Saturday 24 March 2012

Vella Drive @ ECR

Wow.. now that the college life is coming to an end, its time to bring back old memories and have a heartiest laugh. The days ofgrueling assignments being submitted before 12 pm and going to bistro for a coffee and sitting back for another assignment seems just impossible now.

Now post submissions we go to CCD to grab a cold coffee and then decide "where else to go".. Where else.. ohh common we should be back at hostels.. What hostels .. na does not sound nice. We should be going somewhere.. And all of a sudden.. "Lets drive on the road till we get bored and then come back".. Wow even this seems interesting. How the hell do we decide when we would get bored. But still this was more interesting than coming to college before 12 pm.

We started to drive towards the side which would have at-least 1 petrol pump so that we could fill the tank and drive till we get bored.!!! And we did.. The discussions of BMW, Kargil war, Boffors, IC814, Sanjeev Gandhi, Future CEO of Marg, HCL, TCS, to all the way of strategic decision of India. And not to forget the old songs which stayed with us all the time. The laughs at stupid assignment submissions and criticizing the subject for it being taught to us in a management school and applying the NPV formula to the real life situations.

Adding spice to all the discussion was the tea which we finally figured out near Kovalam and the thin cold breeze which we experienced on the spot. A small lovely place to hang out for a quick tea. Time seems to have given us an experience to remember for a life-time. These instants should and will not be forgotten.

Thanks Vaibhav(on steering), Pranoy(on mobile Music), Mohit(Sandwithced on backside), Imran(The strategic dialogues). And finally the one who made it possible-- My lovely maruti-800.. Muaahhh...